Nandrolone Acetate shares the actions of endogenous androgens such as testosterone. Exogenous androgens such as nandrolone decanoate promote protein anabolism and stimulate appetite which results in a reversal of catabolic processes and negative nitrogen balance. Increases in lean body mass in patients with cachexia (e.g., malnourished dialysis patients) and decreased bone resorption and increased bone density in patients with osteoporosis are often noted. Blood glucose, erythrocyte production, and the balance of calcium are also affected by androgens. Increased erythrocyte production is apparently due to enhanced production of erythropoietin stimulating factor. Patients with anemia associated with renal disease will have increases in red blood cell volume and hemoglobin after receiving nandrolone decanoate. Nandrolone Acetate is used in the treatment of anemia resultant of renal insufficiency, as well as off-label for cachexia, osteoporosis, and wasting syndrome.